
Exporting Wordpress to GravCMS

Posted on 2nd Jul 2024

Overview Wordpress, like GravCMS, is a PHP-based content management system. Unlike Grav, Wordpress requires a database to store its data. Grav uses the filesystm to store configuration and page data. Wordpress does not natively offer an option to export its data in a format that Grav can easil...

HTML Template to GravCMS, Part 3

Posted on 14th Oct 2020

This page is a continuation from HTML Template to GravCMS Part 2, Project Setup Theming Page Content Now that we have the basic structure of the page laid out to match our source, we turn to the individual page content. Fix broken links If you open a dev console in your browser (F12), you m...

HTML Template to GravCMS, Part 2

Posted on 14th Oct 2020

This page is a continuation from HTML Template to GravCMS Part 1, Project Setup Sourcing the Template I'll be working from the Editorial theme from I've downloaded the source files and extracted them to ~/Downloads/Editorial. I'll call this path HTML_SOURCE. You should see so...

HTML Template to GravCMS, Part 1

Posted on 13th Oct 2020

Introduction This post (and the ones following) documents how I converted a nice HTML theme called Editorial from HTML5 Up to a usable theme for Grav CMS. You can find the finished Grav theme here.

Hello World

Hello World

Posted on 13th Oct 2020

A new site, a new beginning!